Unfortunate hybrid between a man and an ostrich, this postman, traveling poet, does not belong to any world. His eyes look through ours, like a distant island, his feather questions its contours and its inhabitants.
Unfortunate hybrid between a man and an ostrich, this postman, traveling poet, does not belong to any world. His eyes look through ours, like a distant island, his feather questions its contours and its inhabitants.
Musicians and actors carry and translate his moods. Music is his breath, his favorite language. Two violins, two brass instruments, a captain, an acrobat and a monkey are his crew.
He walks in the urban landscape, observes, cleans, loves, tastes everything he finds.
Improvisations and canevas (written scenes) appear and vanish throughout his journey.
Public space is used as scenery and contributes to the storyline:
Walk-throughs or unusual places are explored by the giant puppet.
The Man Bird has a fragmented memory:
The confusion in which he stands, between present time and chimerical memories overwhelms him and merges.
He is also unaware of his deformity:
He thinks he is a passerby among others.
The audience does not only witness the journey, it is a true part of the puppet's adventures.